Welcome to the HRT News Team
Got Breaking News? Call the tipline at: 323.886.1991
The HRT Radio News Team values the importance of providing a safe space for individuals and organizations to share news tips and information. They offer an encrypted email, Proton at “hrtnews@proton.me,” for people to submit tips securely and anonymously. The team ensures the utmost security and discretion in handling all submitted information.
At HRT Radio we value your privacy. We are dedicated to safeguarding your information. When you leave a tip, you are acknowledging that you have read and understood our terms and conditions of the Whistleblower Act. Additionally, you confirm that you have familiarized yourself with the Tipline Agreement and the laws pertaining to defamation. We appreciate your contribution, in maintaining an environment for everyone. For your cooperation in maintaining a safe and respectful environment for all.
We have a rigorous verification process to ensure the accuracy and credibility of the information we receive. Our dedicated team of journalists and investigators will carefully review and investigate all tips, reporting newsworthy information accurately and objectively.
Please find the tipline box below for your reference. Kindly ensure to include your email and phone number to facilitate a callback within 48 hours.
HRT Radio is a well-respected journalistic authority recognized for its credibility and professionalism in reporting news and current events. Its reputation for quality reporting has earned it widespread acceptance and recognition within the media industry.
“Got a story that needs to be heard? Call the HRT News Tipline at (323) 886-1991. #HRTNews #CommunityVoice #NewsTipline”